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Maps/Special Announcement for Honaunau


As we get nearer to the start of the 2024 Queen Liliuokalani Races, we ask that you take a moment to familiarize yourself with the following requests from the Hui ʻOhana O Hōnaunau. We ask that you please be mindful of the land, community and ohana.  Be sure to wear reef-safe sunscreen and to always clean up after yourselves by throwing away all trash and be mindful of your belongings. And when in Honaunau, park in the designated areas only and utilize the two proper ocean entry and exit areas. These will be noted by signs. (also, see below)

A Letter to the Participant of the Queen Liliuokalani Races

in Regards to Protecting and Respecting our Land and Community at Honaunau.

The ahupuaʻa (land division) of Hōnaunau is a part of a larger region of South Kona known as Kapalilua. The fertile lands and pristine waters of Hōnaunau resulted in rich agricultural systems and marine fisheries that supported generations of ʻohana from Hōnaunau and neighboring communities. As a wahi pana (legendary place), Hōnaunau Bay encompasses some of the most sacred sites on Hawaiʻi Island, and the lineal descendants who reside in the ahupuaʻa consider it their kuleana (responsibility and privilege) to mālama (care for) the irreplaceable natural and cultural resources of Hōnaunau.

In 2022, the community-based organization Hui ʻOhana O Hōnaunau was formed to ensure the health and well-being of ʻāina and ʻohana of Hōnaunau for current and future generations. The Hui is committed to perpetuating the unique lifeways, cultural values and practices that ensure ocean abundance in Hōnaunau. Coral reef and numerous marine species in Hōnaunau have been severely compromised due to over-use and crowding, pollution, and warming ocean temperatures. The Hui works to address these challenges through visitor education and outreach, marine species monitoring, coral restoration, and more. As a guest to Hōnaunau, we welcome you to enjoy the beauty, joy, and sacredness of Hōnaunau, and ask that you are mindful of your presence and impact in their home. We ask that you please park in designated areas only, utilize the two proper ocean entry and exit areas (noted by flags and signage), and remove all trash that you see in the area. Family and community members of Hōnaunau still live in the village and they have been participants and supporters of the race for many years.

We encourage you to express your gratitude to our Hōnaunau community hosts and we thank you for your help to ensure the future of the Queen Liliʻuokalani Race.

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